About our School
MPPS SUNDARAIAH NAGAR was established in the year 1996 with 02 Teachers and 20 students. MPPS Sundaraiah Nagar was bifurcated from ZPHS Sundaraiah Nagar in 2007. Now it has around 160 Students and 7 Teachers. It is managed by the Local Body. It is located in the urban area, in Hanamkonda block of Warangal district of Telangana. Our school consists of grades from 1to5. The school is co-educational and it doesn’t have an attached pre primary section. Telugu is the medium of instructions in our school. Our school is approachable by all Weather Road. Our school academic session starts in JUNE. School hours are 9:35 am to 4:10 pm.
Infrastructure and other Facilities at MPPS Sundaraiah Nagar School
Our School has a government building, it has got 5 classrooms for instructional purposes. All the classrooms are in good condition. The School has a separate room for the Headmaster. Our School has a boundary wall. The School has an electric connection. The source of drinking water in the school is purified water. Hand pump and water tank with taps system is also functional. Our School has a playground. The School has a Library and has 300 books in it’s Library. The school had ramps for disabled children to access classrooms. Our School has TV for Digital lessons.